643.2Fiber Analysis

Suggested Questions
Last Updated: 12/01/23

Suggested Questions to Ask Expert in Forensic Fiber Examination:

1. Please state your name.

2. Where do you work and in what capacity?

3. How long have you been in that position?

4. Please explain what a forensic fiber examiner does?

5. What is your education and training to identify and compare fiber?

6. How many fiber identifications and comparisons would you estimate that you have done?

7. [Check with expert before trial] Have you ever previously testified in court as a forensic fiber examiner?

8. How many times?

Tender witness as an expert in forensic fiber identification and comparison.

9. What characteristics do you look for when examining fibers?

10. Are these methods of comparison and identification generally accepted as scientifically reliable in your field?

11. I hand you what has been marked as State’s Exhibit number ___ (fiber/thread/fabric associated with the crime scene or victim) and ask if you have ever seen this object before?

12. Please tell the court what is State’s Exhibit number ___, and when and from whom you received it.

13. I now hand you State’s Exhibit number ___ (fiber/thread/fabric related to or found on defendant) and ask if you have seen it before?

14. Please tell the court what is State’s Exhibit number ___, and when and from whom you received it.

15. Did you examine and compare these two items of evidence?

16. Please describe your examination and comparison.

17. Based on your examinations and comparisons of these two items, do you have an opinion whether or not the (fiber/thread/fabric) of State’s Exhibit number ___ (fiber/thread/fabric related to or found on defendant) are the same as or similar to the (fiber/thread/fabric) of State’s Exhibit number ___ (fiber/thread/fabric associated with the crime scene or victim)?

18. What is that opinion?

19. Based on your experience and training as a forensic fiber examiner, and based on your examinations and comparisons in this case, do you have an opinion whether or not the (fibers/thread/fabric) of State’s Exhibit number ___ (fiber/thread/fabric related to or found on defendant) could have come from State’s Exhibit number ___ (fiber/thread/fabric associated with the crime scene or victim)?

20. What is that opinion?

21. What did you do with this evidence after you finished your tests and examinations?

Offer exhibits into evidence.